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What is ReFresh Your Step all about?We are a strategic career advisory firm that focuses on resume/cover letter writing, career consulting, networking techniques, interviewing strategies and a range of other career-related areas. In summary, we assist career/job seekers to utilize all the tools in the career toolkit in order to pursue and land the optimal opportunities.
With what populations do you work?While ReFresh Your Step will not be the right fit for every person out there, we do work with three different populations that are divided by age and experience level (College/Grad Students, Young Professionals and Advanced/Executive Professionals). Additionally, our work spans most every sector and we have worked with clients throughout North America and Europe. College/Grad Student clients must be enrolled in school or aiming to get a first job following graduation to fall under this category. Young Professionals are those individuals within the first 10-12 years of work following full-time education. There is a hazy line for those clients who were working and went back to school full-time and we will discuss proper categorization with each of those clients, as per necessary. Advanced Professionals/Executive are those clients who have worked for more than twelve years. We do separate out Executives in the sense that our C-Suite clients (and aiming for that particular level typically require additional advising and we are happy to discuss options with those individuals).
What sectors do you work with and where are your clients located?You can learn more about our sector-specific work on our services page; this page will also give you an idea of where our clients are located. For the sake of these FAQs, we have worked with most every sector, ranging from business to marketing, law, IT, academia, medicine/healthcare, sales, etc. We do some serious research to ensure thorough understanding (and we ask clients questions; this all goes back to collaboration). We do have a national and international presence (so far, our clients are from 32 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, England and Spain). We would like to hit all 50 states so if you are from one of the 18 left, we’ll give you a 10% discount!
Why should I use a professional resume writing service?Not all resumes are created equal; a professionally trained writer can ensure that your document stands out from the crowd with a strong format as well excellent content positioning; both of these play a huge role in ensuring your document catches a hiring manager’s eye and gets you to the next round.
What advantages does a professional resume service offer?The best professional resume writers truly tailor their work to each client’s needs, proficiencies and objectives; they also collaborate with the client to understand career history to achieve the proper look and feel for the document itself. ReFresh Your Step labors endlessly to achieve this kind of work for our clients. Additionally, professional resume writers will stop at nothing to provide you with career tips as you start the next phase of your job search. Why? Because we know firsthand that the resume is but a tool in your career search tool kit and we want shed light on what else should be done to achieve job search success.
What should I look for when choosing a professional resume service?Our first suggestion is to look for certifications: CPRW, ACRW, etc. all signify that the writer has superior writing skills. Additionally, look for a service that participates in industry leading organizations, including CDI, TheLadders, LinkedIn, etc. Absolutely speak to someone from the organization to ensure that you feel comfortable with the process and people involved and ask to see samples.
How does career consulting (or career advisory) differ from therapy of other related professions?While a central idea to both therapy and coaching is that of wanting to help people, there are a few important distinctions. Firstly, psychotherapy and the related professions generally deal with emotional/behavioral issues and work with patients typically revolves around helping them resolve said issues. Additionally, therapists and their patients focus on the past and its relationship with the present. Coaching, on the other hand, is best used by those people who are highly functioning and simply want to move to higher levels of success; therefore, coaching helps people move from their current position in life to a future they know is possible, though guidance and strategies will facilitate moving ahead. It is important to note, however, that at ReFresh Your Step, we recognize that previous life experiences have made our clients who they are today and that some of these events may have left a lasting mark. For this reason alone, we do believe in the importance of using the past to discuss the present and help in preparing for the most successful future possible.
How can career consulting really help me?Regardless of sector, point in your career or future vision, coaching can help significantly. Still trying to figure out what you want to do (you’d be surprised how many executives talk to us aout this!)? We can help you figure it out and create a tailored, strategic plan to get there. Coming up on a major obstacle to move up? We’ll work with you to determine why that is happening and craft a tailored, strategic plan to move past the hurdle. Feeling clueless about how to even start a career/job search (for one of many reasons)? We will share with you tips and secrets about how to navigate the rocky job search terrain…before preparing a strategic, tailored job search plan that will move you forward every step of the way. Did you notice a theme there? Our work is always tailored, always strategic…and impactful.
Do I need to live near my coach?Not at all—as most coaching takes place over the phone, it is not necessary to live anywhere near your coach. Although it sounds somewhat counter-intuitive, most clients find that phone coaching is more powerful than face-to-face coaching. The rationale is simple: coaches are taught to listen to both the clients’ words as well as what is behind the words. A phone conversation helps coaches receive everything the client communicates. However, the coaches at ReFresh Your Step have done in –person coaching and are always happy to do so if a client requests it. Additionally, we have webcam capabilities and are therefore able to speak face-to-face with all of our clients, so long as they are also set up with both internet and a webcam.
Coaching could potentially be expensive—why should I spend my money on this?People hire coach for a variety of reasons, though a major factor in doing so is to set oneself up for reaching one’s highest potential in work and life. Though coaching is an investment early on, many clients report finding that the techniques learned and experience gained pay off exponentially down the road.
How do I learn more about the coaching services from ReFresh Your Step?To learn more information about our coaching services and to set up a FREE Discovery Session, please Contact Us and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
How is Refresh Your Step different from other Resume & Career Advisory companies?Rather than focus on *just* professional documents or *only* career advisory, we believe that all aspects of one's career growth are highly intertwined and address each and every need, tailoring our support to the client's background, obstacles, and goals. By looking at the client from a more well-rounded perspective – and helping them to do so as well – we are able to not only craft exceptional documents but also create customized job search / career success plans that center on that client's unique record of achievement and are aligned with his/her/their goals.
What is Career Resilience and why do I need it?People invariably come to us at some moment of crisis (sometimes big, sometimes small but always major to them). As such, we feel that our work is not just about creating strong, impactful documents (though that's key!) or providing essential guidance for ongoing career success (also vital!), but also in helping each and every client create strategies for toppling every career obstacle in their path now and in the future. Whether you are dealing with an, "I need to figure out what to do with my life!" or "My company was bought and now I am out of a job" or even "My life is changing and I need my career to shift too but don't know where to start" (or any of the other myriad ways careers and life impact each other), we are here to help you refresh, revive, and renew your trajectory and build up that essential career resilience.
How do you determine pricing for a la carte offerings?We know each of our clients, and their needs, are unique. With the end goal od ensuring no one ever overpays we consider such factors as, how many years of experience you have, the trajectory of your career, as well as a range of additional points that will impact the complexity of your documents. Some of you have jobs we know like the back of our hand, some of you create standards for how to raise Alligators in space - those require a bit more intensive research to make sure we represent you impeccably. Keep in mind if you are looking at two or more services, our Bundled Options will always be the most cost effective choice!

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