Does the mere thought of interviewing make you nervous? Are you up-to-date on the latest questions, hiring manager tricks and interviewing tactics? Even if you are a master interviewer, ReFresh Your Step is here to help you hone in on what’s working for you in an interview setting as well as what can be improved upon. We then practice interviewing scenarios with clients until they are ready to walk into a real job interview, nail it and walk out with a job.
Yes, we use Skype / FaceTime and the phone for those clients not in our immediate area but as those are now commonly used interviewing methods, we find that practicing with both is quite constructive.
For our Targeted Interviewing work, we will gather necessary details in advance regarding the client’s upcoming interview(s) and prepare extensively for the mock interview session to maximize the mock interview effectiveness. We will take notes throughout the session and can even schedule a follow-up conversation to go over any major rough spots identified during the session.

Are you ready to ace your interview? We have the formula for success. ReFresh Your Step has teamed up with Interview Success Formula to add another level of customization to our Interview Skills work. We are confident this unique online program, combined with our highly successful Interview Prep packages, will have our clients ready to walk into a real job interview, nail it, and walk out with a job.
For our Interviewing Service, we will provide each client with a $99 interview assessment powered by Interview Success Formula and then speak with clients about the various packages for Effective Interviewing Practice.